Thursday, February 19, 2009

Title Explanation

Don't expect two posts in one day very often! I am already excited about the feedback that I have gotten. Share this site with your friends! It is time for those of us who feel that our bodies are capable of being healthy by themselves to band together and start changing people's perception of what health and wellness is!

I chose the title 'Take Back Your Health' because too many people are trying to convince us that health and sickness are things that we must react to and that we are independent of. Examples: When someone gets sick or has a disease, how do we react? Do we ask ourselves what that person could have done to make their health better, or do we simply blame bad genes, bad germs, and bad luck? If you went into a chamber (who goes into chambers these days, anyway?) with 10 other people and pumped a common flu virus into the room, how many would get sick? 5, 7, 8? NOT ALL! We know that - not everyone that comes in contact with any germ gets sick and if they get sick, some get more sick than others. How do we account for this if it is all the germ? We CAN'T - the people who take care of their immune systems do not get as sick as the people with worse immune systems - FACT!

Okay, what about genes? Do you know that the human genome hasn't changed in at least 6,000 years? How can we blame a diabetes gene for the terrible rise in type II diabetes just recently if that gene has been around for all that time? We CAN'T - people can turn on or off genes depending on their LIFE STYLE!

Bad luck? That is just silly. Obesity hasn't grown 600% in 10 years because we are less lucky than our predecessors. Cancer wouldn't have risen to 1 in 3 because our parents and grandparents were luckier than we are. Now, if you think that someone you know does everything 'healthy' and still has these problems, read my first post, and find out if they are taking care of their nervous system.

So, to make a long post longer, it is time to Take Back Our Health! There are things you can do RIGHT NOW (Reading this blog is one of them) that can help your health and bring you farther from sickness. There are also things you can do RIGHT NOW (drinking that diet coke while reading this is one of them!) that can move you closer to sickness. EVERY CHOICE that you make through out your day is either taking you closer to health or closer to sickness. How your health is in the future is simply the summation of these choices. YOU ARE IN CHARGE! That is why I chose this title - I am fighting the type II diabetes gene in my life right now! I am fighting the cancer genes right now! Through lifestyle decisions, I can turn those genes off - science has PROVEN this! So, get off your butt and go get your health!


  1. Yes, sir! I look forward to reading more and am glad I have a new tool to help me in my health quest. Has anyone ever told you that you should be a motivational speaker? -cousin Heidi

  2. Hahahaha! That would be great to see Matt Foley do a health talk! Thanks for reading, Heidi - Good to hear from you!
