Thursday, February 19, 2009

Bring on the Blog

I am officially joining the Blogger world! I finally decided to get all of my musings, rants, ideas, and general thoughts about health, chiropractic and wellness in one place. I hope everyone enjoys!!

I wanted to first and foremost reaffirm my position on the importance of the nervous system in health. For those who don't know much about Chiropractic, we are ultimately concerned with the health of the brain, spinal cord, and other nerves in the whole body. Where does the nervous system go? EVERYWHERE! What does the nervous system regulate? EVERYTHING! (I feel like I'm in a commercial now!) The nervous system is the FIRST thing formed in the human body way back before the female even knows she is pregnant. It then can regulate the rest of the systems to develop and work properly. So, if we want to begin to bring on TRUE health, we must start with the health of the nervous system!

Science can measure deficiencies in nervous output and imbalances from one side to the other. These deficiencies and imbalances cause interference to and from the central nervous system which will ultimately change how the body is functioning in a negative way. This interference is called SUBLUXATION. Though symptoms may not be present, subluxation will make it so the body is not performing with 100% efficiency. If I cut a nerve that goes to the heart, the effects would be immediate and catastrophic. With 0% input to the heart, life doesn't last long! What about 90% or 80% input to the heart? Death wouldn't be imminent, but the heart wouldn't be as healthy as it could or should, and the longer it goes untreated, the more harm it will do. Chiropractic removes this intereference and makes sure that the body is working at 100% all the time! I believe that the body is a self-healing, self-regulating mechanism, but in order to heal itself, it must be working at optimum potential.

So everything that you may be doing to be healthy can only do so much good if the nervous system isn't working properly. My first charge and your first step is to go and get your nervous system checked by a professional. Doctors of Chiropractic are trained to find and correct subluxations. If you only go once to find out how you are functioning, at least you won't be in the dark anymore! There will be many other topics discussed here, and I will go on and on (and on some more sometimes) about many other health topics, but it is IMPERITIVE to note that if you don't start taking care of the health of your nervous system you are doing yourself the ultimate disservice!


  1. I've been seeing a chiropractor for years, off and on, but most regularly since this summer (when I fell off a chair and dislocated my tailbone -- ouch!).

    Too bad you're not local to me, or I'd come to you, cuz! :) Good luck with it!

  2. I'm so excited for Scott health rants! Go, boy, go! I'll be making outlines for our national tour talks.

  3. Awesome Scott! You are a blogger now. coca cola

  4. I'm all on board with you - but the last time I went to a chiropractor, she told me to rub olive oil all over my stomach. Um... that's just a little too strange for me. I am not a piece of chicken. Please tell me that not all chiropractors are this strange...
