Saturday, October 16, 2010

Welcome back blogger

It's late at night, and this is my first blog in a while, so I hope it is coherent. I first wanted to announce the opening of my chiropractic and wellness office, Lifestyle Chiropractic. I am excited to be able to influence my community for better health. It isn't a well-kept secret that America is not the healthiest nation in the world (37th if you ask the WHO) so it is important to begin to educate and arm the masses to change this. One person who is trained to make and keep themselves healthy brings us closer to the goal of bringing up the health of the nation - this cannot and will not be solved by policy, mind you!

Secondly tonight, I had to share an experience at the movies with my brother-in-law. We went to a newer movie, so we got there in plenty of time expecting the theater to be full. Sure enough, we hadn't been seated for too long when a man asked if the seats beside us were taken. He took his seat next to me and could barely fit in it. It was almost sad to hear him work and breathe just to get situated in his chair. I want to digress for a second so people that don't know me very well can understand that I am not coming from a place of judging or malice.

Only 3 years ago, I tipped the scale at 268, and more importantly, didn't think there was a problem. I could run, play sports, go up stairs, etc without getting short of breath, so I thought the weight and my lifestyle habits weren't a problem. Oh what lies we tell ourselves. Luckily, through education, I began to learn that I was on the road that most Americans are on that leads to chronic illness, unhappiness, and early death. I started making small changes that have given me huge and lasting results. I now weigh 195 with still room to go, but, more importantly, I am not on the road to early and painful death, I am on the path to long and wonderful LIFE! Back to my story...

He was a pretty chatty man, more so than any I have encountered at a movie theater, but I found out that he works in the medical profession. Please don't misread, but I was pretty disgusted to realize that he is responsible for the health of others. How do we educate people on matters that we don't believe ourselves? I have had many conversations with well-meaning practitioners that ultimately end with them saying, "People don't want to change - they want the pill, the quick fix, and then not to see me until something else is falling off." Be that as it may, we must not give up, and the first people we need to convince are ourselves. You CAN choose to be healthy. Your genes do not determine your life, your life determines the genes you express. Make the choice to change one thing today for the better - the simpler, the better. Eat an apple a day to help your health to stay. Take a walk and think of reasons to be happy. Make a good choice and other good choices will follow.